
김건수 (Gunsoo Kim)


김건수 (Gunsoo Kim)

| Co-founder
Gunsoo Kim founded Curocell in 2017 and has served as Chief Executive Officer ever since. He had 15+ years of field experience in pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology prior to establishment of Curocell.

He began his career as a researcher in charge of novel project discovery at Hanhwa Solution Central R&D center. Afterwards, he spent 10+ years at LG chem to serve as a researcher developing a novel drug for the treatment of diabetes, an inspector to revise GMP regulations and operating system, a member of the project discovery team reviewing and and introducing external R&D projects and also, a member of the R&D strategy planning team to select R&D projects, budget management and etc. At CHA Biotech, he was in charge of R&D strategy establishment and External Cooperation.

His experience in various stages of pharmaceutical industry easily enlightened him to realize the potential of CAR-T cell therapy. Ever since the establishment, he has successfully led Curocell to make history in CAR-T therapy industry and become the most advanced CAR-T specialized company in Korea.

김형철 (Hyung Cheol Kim, Ph.D.)

Senior Director
Head of R&D Center

김형철 (Hyung Cheol Kim, Ph.D.)

Senior Director
| Head of R&D Center
Hyung Cheol Kim serves as the head of Curocell R&D Center. He studied microbiology at Seoul National University for his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He joined LG Chem as a research scientist in 1998 and participated in the development of diagnostic kits and first-generation biopharmaceuticals. In 2004, he moved to the University of Texas at Austin, USA, where he studied a type of ubiquitinating enzymes and gained his Ph.D degree. Then, he came back to Korea to rejoin LG Chem in 2011 and worked as the leader of a biosimilar development project until 2017. Currently, he is passionately working on CAR-T development in Curocell Inc. with his knowledge and experience that he learned over the years. The fact that CAR-T therapy can be the last option for some desperate cancer patients empowers him to get through hard work.

박진경 (Jin kyong Park)

Senior Director
Chief Financial Officer

박진경 (Jin kyong Park)

Senior Director
| Chief Financial Officer
Jin Kyong Park has been serving as the CFO of Curocell since the early stages of the company’s founding, actively contributing to the company’s growth. With a background in managing research and development projects for an extended period within LG Chem, he possesses a deep understanding of pharmaceutical research and development. Leveraging his substantial knowledge of pharmaceutical R&D, he efficiently contributes to financial decision-making.

서현진 (Hyeonjin Seo)

Senior Director
Regulatory Affairs

서현진 (Hyeonjin Seo)

Senior Director
| Regulatory Affairs
HJ Seo has over 20 years of experience in the field of biological drug development and new product management, with a particular focus on regulatory affairs and project management. She has extensive knowledge of the regulations and guidelines for therapeutic protein products or monoclonal antibodies, cellular and gene therapy products. She has led successful IND applications for both the Korean FDA and global authorities, as well as obtaining NDA approvals in Korea and global licenses for vaccines and biologics, including biosimilars and NME. In addition, she has demonstrated strong cross-functional leadership skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with industry partners, academia, and governmental institutions to execute complex projects. Prior to joining Curocell, HJ Seo worked at Chong Kun Dang Pharm for 8 years, where she acted as a team leader of Bio product development with expertise in regulatory affairs and strategic planning. She also served as a regulatory affairs specialist at Hanwha Chemical and LG Chemical for 4 years and 7 years, respectively.

전동혁 (Dong Hyuk Jeon)

Senior Director
Head of Production Engineering Center

전동혁 (Dong Hyuk Jeon)

Senior Director
| Head of Production Engineering Center
Mr. Jeon is a Director of quality and manufacturing in Curocell and former QA and Production manager in LG Chem, Life Sciences business. He has over 16 years of pharmaceutical manufacturing and quality assurance experience. His expertise covers both managerial and technical roles.

김정근 (Jungkun Kim)

Facilities and Engineering

김정근 (Jungkun Kim)

| Facilities and Engineering
Jungkun KIM is the director of facilities and engineering with over 17 years of experience in project management, engineering, and various inspection & audit mainly in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries such as LG chem, KBIO, Samsung biologics, Hanmi Pharm. 

Mr. Kim has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Jeonbuk National University, Korea. He had successfully led projects of biotech manufacturing facilities from design for the process, utilities, and facilities for procurement and construction management. He also has experience in assuring clean room environment and perform commissioning and qualification for facility equipment. 

Currently, he is responsible for project management, GMP utility management, facility inspection, and EHS at Curocell.

조수희 (Su-Hee Cho, M.D.)

Senior Director
Medical Director

조수희 (Su-Hee Cho, M.D.)

Senior Director
| Medical Director
Cho Su-Hee is Medical Director and responsible for pharmacovigilance in the clinical development center. Dr. Cho finished internal medicine residency at Gyeongsang National University Hospital and underwent specialist training in medical hematology-oncology at Samsung Medical Center. She had taken care of many cancer patients and participated in several clinical trials to make better treatment options when she worked at Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital from 2013 to 2018.

박영삼 (YoungSam Park)

R&D Center

박영삼 (YoungSam Park)

| R&D Center
Youngsam Park is an analytical method development specialist at Curocell.

Through more than 16 years of experience in the biopharmaceutical industry including analyzing small molecules, proteins, and cell therapy. He has established the analytical methodology required during the process of CAR-T therapy development. He also has experience in developing in-vitro assays, mass spectrometer analysis, and most recently, cell analysis utilizing cutting-edge technologies including ddPCR and flow cytometry.

이영호 (Young-ho Lee, Ph.D.)

R&D Center

이영호 (Young-ho Lee, Ph.D.)

| R&D Center
Dr. LEE led the discovery of CRC01 at KAIST under the supervision of Chan Hyuk Kim and is currently responsible for developing novel cellular therapeutics at Curocell. He earned his Ph.D. in Cancer immunology from Korea University and his Bachelor in Bioengineering from Sungkyunkwan University. During his postdoctoral fellowship, he not only discovered a novel technique for tuning the function of CAR-T, which formed the basis of CRC01 but also has extensive experience engineering T cells for cancer immunotherapy.

이승원 (Seung-Won Lee)

Senior Director
Commercial Operations

이승원 (Seung-Won Lee)

Senior Director
| Commercial Operations
Director Seungwon Lee has over 20 years of experience in the life sciences and pharmaceutical industries, with expertise in brand marketing for hematologic malignancies and CAR-T therapies. Notably, he led the successful commercialization of Novartis’ Kymriah, the first CAR-T therapy approved for sale in Korea. Given that CAR-T therapies require a highly personalized process for each patient, close collaboration between hospitals and manufacturers is essential. After Kymriah was approved as Korea’s first CAR-T therapy, Director Lee played a key role in establishing swift treatment processes through collaboration with major hospitals, significantly improving treatment accessibility for patients with terminal blood cancer patients.

Before joining Curocell, Director Lee worked at Novartis Korea for 15 years, progressing from Medical Representative to Cell Therapy Network Manager and eventually serving as Hematology Product Manager. He also gained experience in sales at Hanmi Pharmaceutical, participating in sales for general hospitals.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors
김 건 수
대표이사 / 공동창업자
김 형 철, Ph.D.
연구개발센터장 / 전무
박 진 경
재무이사 / 상무
강 혁
김 용 하
Co-founder / Scientific Advisor
심 현 보
공동창업자 / 이화여대 부교수
김 찬 혁 Ph.D.
공동창업자 / 카이스트 조교수




코스닥 기술성장특례 상장


신규 사옥(연구소, 본사) 및 상업용 GMP 완공(과학벨트 둔곡신동 거점지구)


2종 면역관문수용체 발현억제 기술관련 특허 미국 등록


연세대학교의료원 백혈병 임상계약 체결



서울성모병원 백혈병 임상계약 체결


부산대학교병원 림프종 임상계약 체결


국립암센터 림프종 임상계약 체결


㈜입셀과 CAR-NK 공동연구 계약 체결


서울아산병원 림프종 임상계약 체결


St. Jude Hospital과 렌티바이러스 기술도입 계약 체결



서울대학교병원 림프종 임상계약 체결


2종 면역관문수용체 발현억제 기술 관련 특허 유럽 등록


「2021년 벤처창업진흥유공 포상」창업활성화 분야 대통령 표창


2종 면역관문수용체 발현억제 기술관련 특허 국내 등록


과학기술부, 산업통상자원부, 보건복지부 국가신약개발사업 선정


국내 최초 CAR-T 치료제 식약처 IND 승인


삼성서울병원 림프종 임상계약 체결



보건복지부 첨단의료기술개발사업 선정


임상용의약품 제조를 위한 GMP 완공(삼성서울병원 미래의학관 위치)



과학기술부 기술이전사업화사업(투자연계형 R&BD) 선정


CAR-T 치료제 개발 공동 추진을 위한 삼성서울병원과 MOU 체결


2종 면역관문수용체 발현억제 기술관련 특허 국내 및 PCT 출원



중소벤처기업부 지역특화산업육성사업 선정


보건복지부 첨단의료복합단지 기반 기술구축사업 선정



중소벤처기업부 민간투자주도형 기술창업지원사업 선정(TIPS)


기업부설연구소 인증



㈜큐로셀 법인 설립

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